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Bad @$$ Women We Love

When we think of celebrities we tend to think about the “perfect” women with the tight abs and the voluminous front and back areas. We automatically see these women because that is what the mainstream media believes is beauty. It is very rare that we see plus size models or celebrities that are comfortable in their skin no matter their size or shape.

With that being said, Em-Pow-Her is here to break the norms of mainstream media and uncover the hidden words that are spoken from celebrities who are not seen as “perfect.” The best thing about these women is that they don’t let the media label them because they love themselves just the way they are, beautiful!!

Here are some of my favorite quotes from some bad @$$ chicks.


"Is it fat shaming if you know you're not fat and you have no shame in your game? I don't think so. I am strong and proud of how I live my life and say what I mean and fight for what I believe in and I have a blast doing it with the people I love."

- Amy Schumer, Actress


"Shoutout to all the boys from 5th to 9th grade who made fun of me for being 'too strong.' Thanks for forcing me to learn to love myself and my body. My muscular arms that were considered weird and gross when I was younger have made me one of the best gymnasts on the planet. Don't ever let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn't look. There is no such thing as a perfect body type."

-Aly Raisman, Olympic Gymnast


"The reality is I haven't lost a pound this year. In fact, I'm actually heavier than I was three years ago, but I accept my body as it is today. I work out not to lose weight but to maintain my good health."

-Ashley Graham, Model


"Bye haters and body shamers. I'm hot when my ass is big. I'm hot when my ass is small. Get over it."

- Kesha, Singer

For more quotes from these amazing women check out people magazine

Keep on loving all that you have to offer because you are unique and that is what makes you, you!

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